Body Lift
What is a Body Lift?
A Body lift (Circumferential Lipectomy) involves removing excess sagging skin and tissue from the abdomen, buttocks and hips in one procedure. It is a tummy tuck that extends around the back 360 degrees. This surgery is common among patients who have had massive weight loss, where a standard tummy tuck would leave excess skin around the back/ buttock. The circumferential lipectomy creates streamlined contouring of this area.
What Can I Expect with a Body Lift?
A Quick Overview
Surgery time: 5 hours.
Length of stay in hospital: 2 - 4 nights.
Recovery time: (The following are approximate times.)
Driving 2 weeks,
Office work 2 - 3 weeks and
Strenuous work/exercise 6 weeks.
Garments: Post-surgery binder in hospital and compression shorts after drains are removed. These should be worn 24/7 for 4-6 weeks.
Incision and scar: Incision from hip to hip low on the abdomen and back, under the clothing/ swimwear line. Another incision around the belly button.
Other Things to Consider
You should reach your target weight and maintain it for at least 6 months prior to this surgery.
In order to maintain your results post-surgery, you must maintain your weight.
It is advised that you finish your family prior to this surgery, as future pregnancies will alter your results. However, if you were to get pregnant after a healed abdominoplasty, it should not cause any problems with your pregnancy or birth.
This surgery can be done in conjunction with other body contouring procedures and/or liposuction.