Arm Lift
What is an Arm Lift?
An Arm Lift or Brachioplasty involves the removal of excess skin and tissue from the upper arms. This will reduce the size of the upper arms, whilst tightening the skin and creating a more contoured and smoother appearance. This surgery is common in patients who have excess skin after weight loss or liposuction, improving the loss of elasticity from ageing and patients with upper arm fatty deposits.
What Can I Expect with an Arm Lift?
A Quick Overview
Surgery time: 3 - 4 hours.
Length of stay in hospital: 1 night.
Recovery time: (The following are approximate times.)
Driving 2 - 3 weeks,
Office work 2 - 3 weeks and
Strenuous work/exercise 6 weeks.
Garments: Arm compression garments will need to be worn 24/7 for 4 - 6 weeks.
Incision and scar: Incision will extend from the armpit to the elbow on the inner part of the upper arm, visibly only when you lift your arms.
Other Things to Consider
You will have scarring from this surgery.
You will need to avoid lifting for a minimum of 2 weeks.
For younger patients with good skin elasticity, liposuction with strict post-operative garments could be a less invasive option (this is size and patient-dependent).
This surgery can be done in conjunction with other body contouring procedures and/or liposuction.
You can find more information on the procedures at
Explant Before & After Results

Image: Before arm lift surgery and 5 months after. The patient gave photo consent.
For more Before and After pictures, please click here to visit our Instagram gallery.