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Buttock Lift

What does the surgery involve?


A buttock lift, otherwise known as Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL Surgery, involves the removal of excess skin from the buttock and moving or reshaping the remaining tissue. This reduces the size and tightens the skin, creating a more contoured appearance. 

Depending on the patient’s desired surgical outcome, some fatty tissue may be removed to reduce size, or fat injections may be added to increase size.

This surgery is common in patients with excess skin after weight loss or liposuction to improve elasticity from ageing and patients with fatty deposits concentrated in this area of the body.



What Can I Expect with a Buttock Lift?


A Quick Overview


Surgery time: 3 - 4 hours.

Length of stay in hospital: 1 night.

Recovery time: (The following are approximate times.) 

Driving 2 - 3 weeks,

Office work 2 - 3 weeks

Strenuous work/ exercise 6 weeks. 

Garments: High-waisted compression short garments will need to be worn 24/7 for 4 - 6 weeks

Incision and scar: The incision will extend from hip to hip on the lower back, below the clothing/ swimwear line. 


Other Things to Consider




You can find more information on the procedures at 

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