Nipple Reconstruction
What is a Nipple Reconstruction?
The final stage of the reconstruction journey is to reconstruct your nipples. Your reconstruction can be done in conjunction with fat grafting. However, not at the same time as surgery where the size, shape and position of the breast are changed more significantly.
Dr Taylor will cut the tissue on the breast, undermine and move it around to create the nipple mound. This 'mound' is then sutured in place whilst the tissue heals. After three months, once the wounds have healed, they can be tattooed to create the nipple-areola complex in a naturally matched colour.
Nipple Reconstruction Before & After Results

Image: Before nipple reconstruction surgery and 1 year after nipple reconstruction surgery. This Patient had nipple tattooing. The patient gave photo consent.

IImage: Before nipple reconstruction surgery and 6 months after nipple reconstruction surgery. The patient gave photo consent.
What Can I Expect with a Nipple Reconstruction?
A Quick Overview
Surgery time: 30 - 45 minutes per nipple.
Length of stay in hospital: Day case (please have some time to drive you to and from the hospital and stay with you the night after surgery)
Recovery time: (The following are approximate times.)
Driving 24 hours
Office work 2 days
Strenuous work/ exercise 3 weeks
Garments: Compression bra 4 weeks post surgery with foam inserted to protect the new nipple from flattening. Loose-fitting tops during this time are a good idea, as the foam bra insert can be seen through tight clothing.
Incision and scar: 1 - 2 cm on either side of the nipple in a horizontal line. This is covered by tattooing.
Other things to consider
This procedure can be done under local anaesthetic.
It finishes off your reconstruction journey, and it is amazing the difference a nipple makes to the appearance of the breast.
It is not for everyone - some women do not want to have a nipple with volume. They would prefer a flat tattoo or nothing at all.
Possibility of failure (skin of new nipple losing blood supply) - documented as 5%.