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Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

What is a Breast Lift or Mastopexy?

A breast lift or mastopexy is a surgical procedure performed to remove excess skin, lifting and reshaping your breasts, to create a firmer and more pleasing shape. Pregnancy, breast feeding, ageing, and weight loss can all result in significant changes to women’s breasts. This procedure is for women who are happy with the volume of their breasts but would like to improve sagging tissue or downward-pointing nipples.

Mastopexy Diagram Illustration Dr Duncan Taylor

a. The excess fat and skin are removed

b. The breast is re-shaped, and the nipple is lifted

c. An anchor-shaped scar

What Can I Expect with a Breast Lift?


A Quick Overview


Surgery time: 2 hours.

Length of stay in hospital: 0 - 1 night

Recovery time: The following are approximate times.

Driving 24 hours,

Office work 3-5 days,

Strenuous work/exercise 3-4 weeks. 

Garments: Post-surgery compression bra should be worn 24/7 for 4-6 weeks.

Incision and scar: Incision around the nipple, extending horizontally down to the breast fold. 


Other Things to Consider


  • A breast lift won't change the size of your breasts. However, if done in conjunction with a breast reduction or breast augmentation, the shape and size can both be altered to achieve your desired outcome.  

  • You will have scars on your breast after this surgery.

  • Some patients who meet specific criteria can have a portion of their fees covered by Medicare or their Private Health Funds. There will still be an out-of-pocket expense.




You can find more information on the procedures at the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, by clicking the following links:

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