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Hand Trauma/Injury


What is Hand Trauma Surgery?


Renowned for its intricate anatomy, the human hand is one of the most complex structures in the human body. Comprised of an elaborate network of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, your hands form a highly sophisticated system.


Traumatic hand injuries are a common occurrence. Damage to the hand can include a range of structures, and the extent of damage is often not known until you are in theatre and the injury is adequately assessed.


Dr Taylor has extensive specialist training and experience in hand trauma surgeries and the microsurgery techniques required for hand surgery.


This damage may include the following:

What Can I Expect with Hand Trauma Surgery? 


A Quick Overview


Surgery time: This will depend on your injury - if it is a washout of the wound and suture of skin, 30 mins.

If you have damaged multiple structures in multiple fingers, surgery can take many hours.

Length of stay in hospital: 0 - 1 night stay.

Recovery time: This will depend on your injury, and this will be discussed with you during the consultation after your surgery once the damage has been adequately assessed in theatre.

Incision and scar: This will depend on your injury 


Other Things To Consider


  • Depending on your injury, you may not always get the full function of your hand or finger back.

  • In some instances, you may require a second surgery i.e. significant loss of skin or removal of wires.

  • Some hand injuries will require a plaster slab immediately post-surgery. This will be changed to a thermoplastic splint and an outpatient. 

  • Often a hand therapist is required after hand trauma to assist with the prevention of scarring, exercises to increase movement, formation of protective splints and education.

  • If your surgery is a workers' compensation case, we will provide you with an initial injury certificate, progress certificates at each appointment and a final sign-off certificate. These will outline allowed work duties through each step of your injury rehabilitation journey. 



You can find more information on the procedures at 


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